Sunday, September 7, 2008

Coach, You are the Man!!!

A great video too!!!

This is a comment that someone left the Crossfit's homepage, that just really baffles me, but thought you would like to read for yourself. And here is just a video that hits the high points of Gary Taubes book "Good Calories, Bad Calories." I recommend reading it, along with this guys ridiculous post, and Coach's rebuttal that makes you feel really lazy.

"WTF? Did Coach glassman sell out? I've not seen him or anyone else that used to be on the site everyother day. Can some one enlighten me on what happened. I love Crossfit but it just seems that Glassman is making bank now and dipped out" -Thegearjunkie-

-Coach's response;
Thegearjunkie #30
While I'm pleased to be missed, I'm not sure what selling out means entirely, but I'm guessing it wouldn't include turning down alliances/projects from corporate sporting, media, and apparel mega brands, refusing well heeled VC investment/buyout and seven figure site advertising promises. I've done all of that within the past year. Some of it is going on this very week.
Lauren and I are managing a company that is experiencing runaway growth (app. 350%/yr for seven years now). My work day starts at 4am and generally runs until about 8pm, seven days each week, with intermittent breaks for kids, meals, and workout. I have weekend business travel and/or events planned for every weekend between now and January. I'll have CrossFit visitors to my home every week between now and January. Lauren and I are the busiest people we know.The phone calls and emails are an endless around-the-clock torrent.
We could, I guess, put up video's of Lauren and I mtg with accountants, or mtg with bankers, or mtg with atty's, or mtg with the CF rockstars, but I'm not sure anyone wants to see that, maybe they do. Here's what I do know, without our behind the scenes efforts this business would run aground. Someone has to man the bridge. I am that someone - at least for now.
We run this business with our priorities being 1. You, 2. Staff, 3. Ourselves. Our belief is that business is the art and science of providing uniquely attractive opportunities for others. Lauren and I also believe that this prioritization is the most effective strategy for maximizing your gains, staff's gains, and our gains, collectively AND individually. (That's our business secret though we tell anyone who'll listen.)
Here are some sharable bullet points from last weeks calendar:
* Launched CFJ 3.0* Met with international tax atty's about setting up European offices* Changed accountancy to cope with runaway growth* Discussed and strategized with counsel over two pending lawsuits* Interviewed with Outside Magazine writers and fact checkers* Brought Sevan and Carey on CF payroll* Worked with CFJ launch team re fixes, bugs and CFJ 3.X.Y* Discussed pending BUD/S Phase II official implementation* Mtg with financial advisers to establish pension plan arrangements for employees* Met with USMC Major and family in home* Phone conferences with affiliate, seminar, and CFJ teams* Planned staff and IT off site mtg's over nxt weeks* Prepped for triple header memorial WOD's* Repeat mtg's with finance team* Continued home AV/studio/gym project* Planned talk for swim coaches conference* Settled 1099 vs. W2 concerns and strategy for staffers

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