Wednesday, October 28, 2009
What Was That?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Working On Your Weaknesses!
Founder of Crossfit, Coach Glassman, talks about the benefits of working on your weaknesses here.
The Hopper: Balance of Modal Capacity...[wmv][mov] (
Here is Mark that comes 3x's/week to our early MWF classes, and saw great results from dialing in on what he needed to work on.
I want to thank you for your help. The PT sessions were great. You helped improve my CrossFit skills and boosted my confidence. I now perform most WODs as prescribed, and it's a good feeling! I know there's a lot of room for improvement on my part, and I'm looking forward to what I can do a year from now."
November starts next week, and I am offering 3 spots open to anyone wanting to improve on any of their weaknesses. This is a great opportunity to get focused work.
lancecantu@crossfitcentral or call me at 806_281-7873
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Get Lost In It!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
This ones For You AT!!! Best of Luck To You!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
We are born with a pleasure principle, that we will seek immediate gratification of needs, for which our bodies reward us with feelings of pleasure.
The reverse is also true, and the pain principle says that, whilst seeking pleasure people will also seek to avoid pain.
The pleasure-pain principle was originated by Sigmund Freud in modern psychoanalysis, although Aristotle noted their significance in his 'Rhetoric', more than 300 years BC.
'We may lay it down that Pleasure is a movement, a movement by which the soul as a whole is consciously brought into its normal state of being; and that Pain is the opposite.'
Tony Robbins takes it one step further and says that our Pleasure-pain decisions are made up of rules/conditions we have set up to make each decision. Are you successful? How is your relationship? Do you have a great body? All are questions that people have different answers to. And the answers are from each individuals standards or rules they have set forth to make that them feel they do or do not.
Why do I bring this up? Are you successful? Well, what are your rules to make you say yes. Do you have a great relationship? Well, does the significant other know the 'rules" or standards you may or may not have told them to make you think you are in a happy, successful relationship. If you haven't told them, if might be unfair to hold them or yourself accountable if no one knows how to hold each other accountable. You can think of it as playing a game with your significant other, not telling them how to play the game, then getting mad and frustrated because they are not following the rules you didn't tell them.
This can hold true for anything you may be setting yourself up for constant let down, or pain(friendships, co-workers, business, family, any relationship):(
Done with this tangent now!
MY WOD; 091022
The Prayer....even though I know my boy JDP already posted it, it's that good to me!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what really changed my life eight years ago, I tell them that absolutely the most important thin was changing what I demanded of myself. I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I aspired to becoming.”
Walking lunge 50 meters
Sit-ups, 50 reps
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Road Less Traveled
-Robert Frost-
Every journey starts with a first step. Sometimes, we get so lost in the end goal that we take away from what it's really all about...the journey. All we have to do to be happy and enjoy what's most important, the present, is take that first step. Here's to the first step.
Heavy Snatch Balance; got to #185
BW OHS; got 7 reps.... I will get 15 this week!
Heavy Back Squat; 5,3,3---275,295,305
Tabata Pullups and Push ups; lowest score--- 12/8
Monday, October 19, 2009
So This is Eva!!!
She is doing the workout Nate.... It is the workout of the day at the gym today. And yes boys, she is doing 32kg kbell swings. Go Crossfit!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What's Your Snatch?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
My Seven Day Challenge
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
You Make a Difference
The Wounded Warrior Project from Sportsgrants on Vimeo.
From the efforts of the Crossfit community, we raised over $1million with Fight Gone Bad. This is a clip to show how much of an impact we really have. Giving Life back to Life!!!! I love it, I love all of it!