Monday, April 13, 2009

A Re-Post

I know I have posted this before, but I think it's great info. Micheal Gregory posted another great video about eating paleo.

Do you think it's worth the sacrifice...eating meat and vegetables for the rest of your life, or eating whatever you want? What's the trade off, one significantly increases your chances for healthy life, however old that ends up being. You are able to take care of yourself, don't need to be cared for, won't have to go the get refills are the pharmacy, you can be as active as you want to be til your last days. The other has possibilities of any CHD(coronary heart diseases), arthritis, hyperinsulinemeia(how close are you to becoming a diabetic), type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's(or type 3 diabetes), myocardial infarct(heart attack) pain, misery, and death....

It's your world. Let me know what you think?

1 comment:

Lion Heart said...

health and wellness!